Accountability & Transparency 

Leadership Accountability: Pastor Clayton and Pastor Ben answer to the Deacon Council, who are elected to 3-year terms by the congregation; and to the Elder Board of the Fellowship of Evangelical Churches. The Pastors serve 3-year terms and must be renewed by a clear majority of the congregation. Pastor Clayton is up for renewal in 2025; Ben is up in 2026.

Financial Transparency & Accountability: The pastors do not interact with donations or offerings, and do not know who gives or what the contributions are. Calvary has three Financial Officers that are elected to 3-year terms by the congregation: a Financial Recorder, Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurer. Our financial reports are available upon written request to the church office. Pastors and staff are reimbursed for ministry expenses upon submission of receipts, and the Financial Officers are empowered to reject an improper request for reimbursement. 

Child Safety Policies: All staff and children-youth volunteers complete the Illinois State DCFS training for mandated reporters. Newcomers cannot begin volunteering in children or youth ministry until they have attended Calvary for at least 6 months. Complete Child Safety Policies are available upon request to the church office. 

Abuse & Assault: Calvary Community Church is committed to treat any allegation of abuse or assault as credible. Crimes will be reported to the proper authorities without exception or delay. We will use a third party to conduct an independent investigation into an allegation of abuse by a staff member, leadership team member, or volunteer. 

If you have experienced or witnessed a criminal act at Calvary, contact the police immediately. 

If you have experienced or witnessed abusive or inappropriate behavior by staff or a volunteer, please contact one of the Deacons. 

John Norlin

Randy Keller

Lee Kinsinger

Olivia Pouilly