

Statement of faith

Calvary affirms the historic Christian faith and the truth of the Gospel. Click the link to read our statement of faith.

rightnow media

RightNow Media provides excellent video resources for Christians of all ages. If you're part of the Calvary community and want login information, email the church office at calvarywashington@gmail.com

staff directory

We have a great staff team at Calvary Community! Click the button to view our staff directory and get to know us a bit better!


We believe that committing to membership with a local church is a vital part of God's plan for the world. You can learn what membership means at Calvary by joining a Connections Class. Email us for more information!


Visit the Google calendar to see the upcoming events in the life of Calvary Community!

serving opportunities

Service is an integral part of the Christian faith. We strive to make sure there are opportunities for everyone at Calvary to serve.